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Friday, August 6, 2021


I love when a day brings a few was one of those days.

Surprise #1

Another bud on the white rain lily was standing tall this morning.  Yesterday was a full day of rain....and here it is living up to its name again.  Now the countdown until it blooms.   

Surprise #2

My New Love shrub clematis is starting to bloom!  I moved a piece of it from Lexington....and it's doing better than ever in this new location.  It's a tidy handsome medium small shrub with subtle tiny purplish blue blooms tucked under the leaves.  

It's in the garden at the edge of the patio behind the pink rain lily pots....which by the way are taking a summer break right now.
Surprise #3
Brenda's 4 x 6 card came today! She used masking fluid and a watercolor wash to make this colorful summer card.  Masking fluid is not something I've ever used...but want to try sometime!  

Surprise #4
A "real, not perfect card" from Tracie. 

Tracie was inspired by my three piece collages I made from old art....and hers is just lovely!
Tracie wrote one of her favorite quotes inside...and it's resonating with me.  Life is about balance....moderation...and meeting in the middle.  It's little of this and a little of that....things partly done....other things good enough.  And I kind of like it that way.

And finally....surprise #5 was a chat with my dear friend Becky....who introduced me to Tracie years and years ago.  And....Becky introduced me to Brenda just last year. 

I love a day filled with surprises.

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