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Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Joyous Vision"

David Driskell

After a little nudge from Janice Paul and I went to see the David Driskell exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art.....and it did not disappoint. 

Mr. Driskell's life journey and "joyous vision" came through his paintings....and his use of color and collage was inspiring.

"He reminds us that the otherworldly may be expressed in the earthbound and the divine expressed in the commonplace."  


And I will always enjoy a stroll downtown Portland.  We've gotten so used to staying at home....that we forget what is available to us out there.  And Paul pointed out that every time he wears his mask somewhere new he has to ask himself "should I be here?"  It will be a good day when we don't have to ask that anymore and go any place that brings us joy.

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