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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Room With A View

I lost my oldest sister Becky to breast cancer back in heart is still heavy. 

Today I had my annual mammogram in a new location since moving full time to Portland....and it's the first time in quite some time I didn't cry most the way through it. I still think about Becky every time I get one....and hundreds of times in between. Maybe my grief has shifted....and instead of mourning her....I'm celebrating her. She would have loved this sweeping view of Portland from the waiting room. She always loved a good view.  

You can read a little bit about her and her love for views in in this post:

"Really paying attention to everything around you sounds simple, but it actually demands a level of curiosity and observation that most people are not used to exercising."  Philippa Stanton, Conscious Creativity

And while I was in town I took a little side trip on my way home.  Paul and I have noticed these vines on a building on Marginal Way from the highway during several recent drives through town. Today I took the time to stop and take a closer look.....exercising my curiosity and observation.

I love everything about this!  It looks like an intentional painting.
Becky would have loved this view too!

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