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Friday, September 17, 2021

Sorted by Shape

Tracie sent me this photo of her latest series called "What do you see?" She's been playing with masking fluid and saran wrap with watercolors. When you lay saran wrap on top of wet watercolor it puddles in interesting ways....and you never know what you're going to see when you pull it up.

I think they're just lovely.....and I see all kinds of things.  As a matter of fact....the top left reminded me of the patches of jewelweed I'm having so much fun with. I pop a few seed pods every day. I just can't help myself.

I sit down at my puzzle table at least once a day...usually for just 10 or 15 minutes while I'm having my breakfast....and maybe a few minutes here and there throughout the day. This will increase once the cold weather sets in....but I love that it's there all the time.  This puzzle has been really hard....and sometimes I don't even find one piece in a sitting and no one strategy works all the time.

I'm enjoying the challenge....but it was time to do something to make things move along a little faster.  So I sorted all the pieces by shape. This narrows down the pieces you have to look through.

This was just a few days ago....

...and this was today......lots of progress!

Now if I could just apply this sorting strategy to other areas of my life and home...especially in the studio. I'll get there eventually....maybe.

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