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Saturday, October 23, 2021

"Book the Flight"

"You only get one life and it's already started...but you do get to decide which direction to go." Adam J. Kurtz  

I'm heading west.

Paul's two sisters, Alyson and Liz, recently retired and they both just moved into the same condo complex. Not together...but they're neighbors.  In the past I've helped them envision their spaces, arrange furniture, and hang was one way I could help.  

Taking the advice from a Dove chocolate wrapper back in September.....I booked a flight. I'll be heading to Colorado next Wednesday to see their new spaces....and do what I can to help them settle in.

So I've had a big push to get all my outdoor chores done before I never know what November weather will bring.  And although I have barely been in the studio....tending to all these things has felt great.

I'm almost done washing all the windows....a few may have to wait until I get back.  But while washing the living room window I noticed several blooms on my Christmas added bonus to the clean windows.

Today I dumped all my pots and did ALL the cutbacks in the gardens.  I love putting the gardens to bed for the winter....and I look forward to them coming to life again in the spring.  

My compost pile in the woods is quite lovely.

I'm also determined to finish this puzzle before I go....and I'm loving every colorful minute of it!

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