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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Catching Up

I was lucky enough to spend the whole day with Anita and Linda just steps away from York Beach in Southern Maine.  I love going to Linda and David's summer home....the gardens are spectacular and it's always a treat to visit the beach.

Linda and Anita are dear friends from our time in Lexington....and although I haven't seen them in a long time we just picked up where we left off. A perfect way to spend a beautiful fall day.

Linda and David have a spectacular yard. There was still a lot in bloom and so many little moments....with pumpkins tucked here on there.  It's magical!

And you know me and my love of mushrooms.  

At the time I was thinking I was just taking a photo of the mushrooms in the ground....and only when I uploaded the photo here on the blog did I notice the tiny one coming right out of the log.  Do you see it there in the left.
What a wonderful day catching up with dear friends. Pure Joy!

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