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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Present and Future

 "Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming."  Alice Walker

When I come across a quote that makes me pause...I tuck it away until it seems like the right time to share. This one seemed fitting for today.  

I was hardly home. I had a morning meeting about Condo Board stuff, a outdoor visit with Margie and Marian, and Paul and I had dinner and great conversation with our dear friends Dana and Anne.  And that was on the heels of a stitching date with my buddies Jane and Patsy yesterday afternoon.

I love nothing more than to be home....and the future that I am dreaming includes a lot of time at home...and in my studio. But time with friends and connecting with people I care about, and doing something for the greater good...even if it's just in my small living community, is also important to me. So days like this are embraced......I just need to make sure I also get a nap once in a while.

Here are a few photos from our walk to the Presumpscot Falls yesterday.....a good place to be fully "present."

I can easily think of our morning walk as utility....getting steps in to better my health.  But Paul is good at reminding me that a change of scenery for a walk can be good for the soul....and I am grateful to him for that.

Paul always carries a cushion for me to sit on....and it comes in handy on the rocks down by the falls.  It's just one of the many ways he looks out for me.  

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