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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Shopping Day

Could we pack more into a day?  I think not.  Today was a shopping day looking for things for both Alyson and Liz's places.....and all of it at consignment shops.  It's so nice when you can find just the right pieces that have already had another life...another story.  Then you get to bring them home and give them a second chance.

Alyson and I day did start with a walk....there are such lovely paths and walkways in and around their complex.

Still so much fall color....and Colorado is known for their sunny days and blue skies.

We strolled through a lovely cemetery between stops....mostly to get a glimpse of the mountains. With all the wildfires....they didn't see the mountains much this summer.
And we all fell in love with this little tree.

We had some great views of the Rockies en route to the much of Colorado has wide open space.

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