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Friday, October 8, 2021

Stitched Circles

Fabulous silhouettes of five funky stems.

I woke up to Clarke knitting the last few stitches on the second sleeve this morning before she dropped the sweater off at her grandmother's.  It turned out great! She's now on her way back to was a wonderful week!

In between outings and visits I played with bits and pieces I made for the Process and Possibilities-Connecting Through Collage class. And....I finished one small panel. It may not be quite done...but I'm pretty happy with my first go at it.  I do love the textures created by the techniques.

It's a small piece....just 4 by 11 by 1 and I learned a lot that will help me with the next one. I can't share too much about the process here because it's part of the paid class....but it combines a lot of things I love and I can see lots of applications for my art.  I'm learning techniques that give simple things like tissue and rice paper a whole new life.
The little blue and white trim pieces are from some striped sheer curtains I had in the bathroom in our house in South Portland.  I knew there would be a use for them. I glued a piece onto some paper to make it more manageable and I like the little touch of whimsy and detail it adds.

I'm enjoying stitching and painting these wonky circles on rice paper.....and at some point I may use something other than blue.
Six stitched circles ready to go.

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