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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

24 Hours

"Somewhere over the rainbow....dreams really do come true."

I'm becoming a bit of broken record....but it's hard to really explain how much Alyson, Liz and I packed into the last 24 hours.  Here's just a glimpse of what we accomplished....and it includes a beautiful rainbow.  

To fully appreciate what we were up have to know that Liz hates to shop. She gave up most of her old furniture in the other than her bedroom furniture...and a few other pieces and all of her books and treasures from her world travels... much of her new home was pretty much a blank slate. The task was daunting....but we rose to the occasion.

In the past 24 hours we had three large bookcases delivered....and they were the only things that were new.  Also in three other deliveries from consignment stores was one more very interesting shelving unit I will share another large dining room table (aka puzzle table), a project desk, two beautiful living room side chairs, one desk chair, a console for her TV,  and two living room chairs with an ottoman. 

This shelving is still a work in progress....I've been changing it by the minute all day long... but this is where it landed tonight. There will be more tweaking tomorrow. Many of these treasures have been in boxes....for years.....and what Liz has been dreaming of for a very long time.  Even the rainbow.

We found two beautiful upholstered side chairs....$60 for BOTH! They are perfect.

I talked her into floating a puzzle table behind her loveseat which faces out her lanai.. We found this drop leaf dining table that seemed to not only be unique....but fit the traditional style she was going for in this space.  Right now it's as big as it can handle a HUGE puzzle....or can be turned and one end dropped so it's a bit smaller. It's nice to have options. 

Liz has always worked in literacy education and collects photos and figurines of people this "Readers Paradise" puzzle is what Paul and I gave her last Christmas. It's on the table ready to go.
To fully appreciate the transformation....this is where we started just 24 hours ago. There is much more to share...but that will have to be another post.....tonight I am weary and it's time to go to bed.


  1. I love her furniture! I am looking for chairs like that and have just acquired two little tables similar to hers. This 'traditional' look is so much mre comforting that sleek modern. Also, love the rainbow bookshelf! I am tempted to make bookcovers for my books now ... and recreate your rainbow! LOL

    1. ALL this furniture came from thrift stores and there are two of those fabulous chairs that were just $30. And yes....the rainbow bookshelf is awesome! Thanks!

  2. p.s. A tuffet would be a nice touch.
