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Monday, November 15, 2021

Did It Wait?

What do you think the chances are this white rainlily knew how much I would enjoy seeing this last bloom?  Do you think it knew that I had two condo board meetings today after just getting home that would monopolize my time and attention....and that I would need a little splash of joy? 

When I noticed a bud during the summer it would generally open the very next day.  But 5 days ago before we took our road trip you may recall that I noticed one bud on the nearly dormant plant.  I thought about it several times during the trip...sitting in the dark and quiet condo and I assumed it would open while we were gone. But there it was this morning....just opening up.  

Did it wait for me? I'm choosing to believe it did.

And I deadheaded two Christmas cactus blooms before I left....and came home to several more.  I haven't had this many buds on this plant...ever! Almost every branch has a bloom or a bud....and will bring me weeks of enJOYment.

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