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Saturday, November 13, 2021


Today was a travel day....and we spent a wonderful afternoon and evening with dear friends in Boiling Springs, PA.  Tomorrow we'll make the 8 hour drive home.  

Tracie sent me this delightful photo this morning of her grandson catching a snowflake on his tongue along with a quote worth repeating.

"There's a self expansive aspect of gratitude. Very possibly it's a little known law of nature: the more gratitude you have, the more you have to be grateful for."  Elaine St. James. 

My sister Marilyn and I did a seasonal exchange many years ago....and I created a collage based on a photo she had sent of her son catching a snowflake on his tongue.  You can read about that here:

And just a few days ago Becky sent me this photo taken by her son Johnny who has become an expert in looking closely and sharing what he sees.

And just a few weeks ago....Brenda sent this photo of her parents ginkgo tree day....for those of you have been following the blog know why this was such a treat.  I do miss my ginkgo tree!

Three friends from Madison...sharing their joy.....I am so grateful!

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