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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Past and Present

I'm sharing a few fall paper projects from shared art journals from the past.....all the way back to 2013 to be exact. The black tree is a papercut over the colored paper background swatches. And the leaves on the right are cut apart and put back together over the black leaving a little negative space. I used commercial papers in both of these....but will revisit these ideas with hand painted papers and/or fabric again at some point.

I took advantage of the "present" 60+ degree day and put together a basket of greens for the front of the condo.  

Some of it is from the woods....some of it from the greenhouse.  The green fuzzy balls will be replaced with bright red berries after Thanksgiving.  I don't want to rush the season.

I just found this oversized basket at Home Goods for a very reasonable price. I needed something large and don't want my pottery pots out for the winter.  This will work well.


  1. The greens-filled basket turned out so pretty, MaryAnn. I love the red branches sticking out. Perfect!

  2. Thanks Roseanne! I'm quite fond of the red branches too!
