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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Simple Things

 "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."  Winnie the Pooh

Paul and I got this homemade card from my sister-in-law Ann.  The simplicity of it captured my may end up being my favorite.

I've always enjoyed arranging my kitchen window sill for the seasons...and these little globe lights on a timer make it come to life in the evening.

I love my red and white striped elf corner with the little tree I made out of felt fitting right in. The Elves used to visit out house from December 1st until Christmas and leave a little something on the coffee table for our boys.  The whole story is here:

The greens are done....time for blues.

And this just can't be explained. After Janice backed into her driveway this is what she saw in the road.  Sometimes simple things don't need an explanation.....they just land in our day to capture our hearts.

So remember to pay attention...a little love may show up in an unexpected place.

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