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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Arranging Colors

"One can speak poetry by just by arranging colors well."  Vincent van Gogh

I've never owned a red coat before.....but I found this LL Bean Jacket at a local thrift store and scooped it up. I'm certainly not speaking poetry here....but all I need is a little orange and yellow and I'll be wearing a rainbow.  Paul had on his neon yellow jacket...also from a thrift between us we nearly had the whole spectrum covered.
Speaking arranging color....this puzzle not only has every covers all the holidays. It's 1000 pieces and was finished on Margie's coffee table when I visited today. It was just a little too big for her board so a couple the border edges are off to the side.  This will be another fun one I'll tuck away for "The Holidays" next year.

And my color theme continues with a follow-up to the project I made for Alyson from the batiks I shared a week ago.  There's nothing quite a simple as a pillow...and she got it in the mail yesterday.  

I think it looks good on her green chair and is a nice pop of color in what is mostly a neutral room.  Just what she wanted.


  1. Love the rainbow pillow- what a terrific way to brighten up any room!
