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Thursday, January 27, 2022


It's always a good day when I get to visit Margie. We trade puzzles and swap stories...vent when we need to and chuckle at ourselves when it's necessary. It's always a good day when I visit Margie...and we really connected today.

Margie recently got this beautiful card from my friend Lynn in Madison. They've never met, but Lynn was one of the many who answered over year ago when I sent out a call for cards for Margie's 89th birthday....I was grateful.

Then out of the blue....Lynn thought of Margie again and sent one of her beautiful hand painted cards.  I was so touched by the connection between these two wonderful people even though they've never met. Both were teachers....and both have taught me so much.  

Thank you Margie and Lynn!

And I couldn't help but make another connection.  Paul's sister Alyson and I exchange photos almost every evening....things that catch our eye...mostly in nature. But there are no's just a way to connect.  

Yesterday she sent me these five photos of the frosty ice crystals that had formed on her lanai windows.  I thought they were magical....and seemed to speak directly to Lynn's snowy blue scene.  

It made me think of the lines of the triangle from Maine to Colorado to Wisconsin.....and how connected we all really are. 

This was going to be the lead today....but it ended up being the least important joy in my day:

 I tipped over 150,000 view/clicks on my blog today.....150,096 as of this evening.  How is that even boggles my mind.  

I'm so grateful to those of you who take a little part of your day to read my joyful putterings....and I love all the connections I've made here....many of them with people I may never actually meet. Thank you!

This post is my 2,571st post.


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