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Saturday, January 22, 2022

It's Christmas!

 "What is left for us to do in the broken world but love?"  Gabriel Andreas

My son Sam and his girlfriend Lise are due any minute from Boston....and we're actually going to celebrate Christmas tomorrow. Margie will join us....and it will be good to gather.

I wanted the condo to feel I got out my little tabletop tree....and it was pretty as the sun was setting.

The best thing we can do in this broken to love each other....and gather when it's safe.

Speaking of Christmas....I was the lucky recipient of a few gifts recently.  

My sweet 5 year old friend Eliza sent me some of her artwork....including this hand painted ornament.

Eliza also sent me one of her favorite books....and now it's one of mine.

It's a delightful book about Charles' search for a wishing tree.  But it's also about looking...and doing...and connecting....and finding out that wishes can really come true.

And if that wasn't enough....a wonderful surprise bundle of fun came from Roseanne. I'm always on the lookout for interesting papers for collage....and these Chinese book pages are just beautiful.  

Roseanne also sent one volume of a set of The American Educator EncyclopediaIsn't the cover beautiful! I'm thinking an altered book is in my future.

It really does feel like Christmas!

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