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Monday, January 17, 2022

Only Love

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."  Martin Luther King Jr. 

We had quite a storm this morning....big wind and driving rain. The power was out for a few hours so I settled in front of my big window in the studio to clean up my table.  I enjoyed the low light and loved the quiet.....and was almost disappointed when the power came back on.

Per usual....there were lots of tiny scraps and snippets from various projects...and I couldn't help myself from lining some up on double sided tape.  I especially loved the little "earth and sky" in Angie's handwriting.

I uncovered a bird stamp that seemed to it all became a little collage. These 3 inch...mostly 3 scrap collages seem to be speaking to me these days. 

The world needs a lot of light and love these days....but the quiet and a few scraps worked for me today.


  1. Just beautiful, MaryAnn. Love the idea of making the snippets strip.
