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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Something New....

....something blue.

Oh the joy of learning something new....I made a tiny fiber bowl.

A few months ago I told myself I wasn't going to sign up for any new classes for a while.....but that didn't last long. I should have said I wasn't going to sign up for a new classes unless one really caught my eye. I just started "Water Soluble Magic" by Jayne Emerson.  I've played around just a bit with water soluble fabric but am only just beginning to imagine how I can use it in my art.  

I can't really describe the process because it's a paid course...

but I can share some photos. And I can express my delight that for the first time it doesn't matter how bad my free motion quilting is.
The stabilizer fabric dissolves in warm water....
and here it's drying over a small bowl. 

I'm pretty proud of my first little bowl!

And it reminds me of another beautiful snowflake photo by Aleksandra....this time on something fuzzy and blue:

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