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Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 "Imagine a world where we listen to each other's stories and learn we are all not as different as we are the same." Story People

OK....I admit it.  I love telling stories.  

Sometimes my joy comes from something tangible....a beautiful sunset....a funky found object...or a project I'm proud of.  Those things stand on their own...they're easy to write about....and the visuals can sometimes speak for themselves.  

But then there are the silly stories that bring me joy....the ones that make me laugh out loud....or laugh at myself.  And sometimes I have to write about them too.

Remember the blog post a few weeks ago about the mystery puzzle piece? happened AGAIN! This post will make more sense if you read the last one:

So here I go AGAIN. And you can blame me telling the whole story on Paul and Patty.....they added more layers making it a much better story.  

I knew I would finish up Phillipa's stamp puzzle today.  Last night I organized few remaining neutral pieces in the box by shape....and I looked forward to plopping them in during breakfast.  Notice the piece in the bottom left's the only one with color.

I took this photo several days ago because I kept picking up that pesky piece...I just couldn't find the spot.....AGAIN!  But I knew it would present itself eventually.  Sound familiar?

But I finished the puzzle and there was no spot for that piece...AGAIN.  I looked and looked and I even ran my hands over the puzzle this time. I do (sometimes) learn from my mistakes....and I couldn't see it...or feel it.

You tell me.  Can you see where it goes in the photo below?  (Don't tell me if you spotted it right away.)

I was laughing out loud at this point and Paul wondered what the ruckus was all I told him my story.  I even held this piece over the cover photo on the button puzzle I just finished to see if it was left over from that one. Nope. last time I ran my hands over the puzzle AGAIN...and sure enough...there was a spot for it. Do you see it? How did I miss it AGAIN? I was sure the red part of that stamp was done...and the dark color blended in with the table...AGAIN! OY!

I told Paul no one would believe me that this happened AGAIN!  And in is wisecracker way he said it wouldn't be a problem if I didn't tell the story. 

Then THAT became my new story....Paul's wisecracker response.  I do have control of what I write here....but how can I NOT share my silly little stories.  And Paul teasing me about just became part of the story.

But it doesn't stop there.

I got together with Patty down the street for coffee and conversation this morning. She's been reading the blog and told me that her favorite post was the story about the mystery puzzle piece.  I laughed out loud.....the fact that she liked that became yet another layer of this story. How could I not tell it.

But now I can say It's done....and it's fabulous! The first of 6 puzzles from the 5ftinf 2022 Puzzle Club!  Can't wait to see what comes next!


  1. This is a good story! Now where does the other puzzle piece belong?

    1. Thanks! I'm not always clear in my stories....but thankfully all the pieces have found their homes.
