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Friday, February 25, 2022

Chapter Three

Remember my two chapter story about my little quilt that nobody wanted? You can read about it here:

I'm starting to write chapter three.....I'm teaching a class at Handiwork, the little store where my quilt landed.

I was a special education teacher for 23 years so taught classes every day.....and I've been helping people make things almost my whole adult life. But this feels different. This most certainly feels like a new chapter.

In April, I'll be offering two sessions of a collage class I'm calling "Torn Paper Garden" at Handiwork. Each class will be limited to four students because of COVID....and that's a really nice number to work with. 

I'm pretty I just need a few sign-ups.

Over the past few weeks I've been tearing up all my gelli prints and hand painted papers.....and it feels really good to be putting them to use.

I'll be providing all the materials for the class including a little packet of papers to take home with gelli prints and my precious metallic papers.                


  1. Oh, how I wish I lived closer. Best wishes for a full class. Your students are so lucky!
