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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Connected by Cake

"A great many things can be resolved with kindness, even more with laughter.....but there are some things that just require cake!" Quote is from Curly Girl Design 

Susan and I both used this quote in a shared art project.  Here it is in this altered  children's chunky quote book exchange from WAY back with Ellen and Lynn....

and Susan used it for a recent exchange in her art club.  
The first part of the quote is on the front of this page.

I spent a delightful hour this morning on a Zoom call with Susan from was such a treat!  I actually want to recreate the whole conversation here ....but for the sake of space and time....I'll just share a few takeaways. 

I mentioned a week or so ago that Susan started a shared art exchange with her art group inspired by my 4 x 6 exchange with Becky and Brenda.  Although it took a little convincing.....all members are on board with the project and having a great time!  

Susan's group meets on Wednesdays as part of the Dalgety Bay Art Club in Fife, Scotland. There are various art groups including painting and photography.....and her group called the "Be Crafty" group which she referred to "playschool for adults."

Susan and I had quite a discussion about the distinction often made between artists and crafters....and we are both are proud to say we are crafters who dabble in a little art.  

This is another of her pages for her exchange.  

Some of my takeaways from our conversation:

*It IS a small world after all....thanks to 
    Pinterest: Where Susan saw my Swirls of color project 
    Online classes: That project led her Izzy Moore and Celtic Seascapes
    Joyful Puttering Blog: Which finally connected us
*We can all learn from each other.
*Art is good for the soul...and shared art is a wonderful way to connect.
*Wordle is a good addition to our day....I got Susan started too.
*It's spring somewhere....these are photos from Susan's backyard and I'm a little jealous.
*Some things require cake.

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