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Thursday, March 31, 2022


My three sisters and I have an ongoing conversation on messenger where we share family news, fun photos....and just about anything else that might make us all smile.  A couple weeks ago we got to talking about our Maine, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.  And just so you know....I learned today in our chat that it snowed in Wisconsin.  Snow is likely for all of us.

This little snowdrop I shared is exactly the same today as it was 10 days ago....I've never seen it open.

After our conversation my sister Nancy checked to see if her's were poking through in the backyard.  The photo she shared made me chuckle.....and I hope it makes you smile too.  

But first...her photo needs this little backstory.

Sometime around the holidays Nancy's step-daughter and family were visiting from Germany....and her grandson LOVES snow.  Using just the little bit of snow a few days before their arrival, she and Craig built them a snow representing each of them. They had to "tend" to them for a few days because it warmed up a bit....but they were still in tact when they arrived....and were a hit!

When Nancy went to the backyard she didn't find any snowdrops yet....but she did find hats.  Celebrate the simple joys!

And just because I admire Craig's handiwork so much....I wanted to share a set of blocks he recently made for their grandson....all colored with food coloring so safe for little hands and mouths.  Pretty impressive, don't you think!

More of Craig's handiwork:

1 comment:

  1. Snowmen are so fun, aren't they? However, I woke up to snow this morning- in south central Indiana. Not such a fun April Fool's.
