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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Library Connections

Masses of books represent delights that we hold in possibility...the joy of being able to lift a hand and tap unexplored worlds."  Reid Byers

Some of you may remember when I was in Colorado I helped my sister-in-law Liz set up her library. This is the first time she's been able to display all her favorite books along with her collection of readers and treasures from her world travels.  
She loves her library....which, by the way, doubles as a puzzle room. 

Just a few days ago Liz sent us an article by New York Times author Julie Lasky entitled "Books can make a place feel like a home."  The article features Reid Byers and his book  The Private Library, The History of the Architecture and Furnishing of the Domestic Bookroom."

"In The Private Library, Byers goes to the heart of why physical books continue to beguile us. Individually, they are frequently useful or delightful, but it is when books are displayed in masse that they really work wonders."

Liz was drawn to the content of the article...she's an avid reader, a collector of images and figurines of people reading, and has spent a career facilitating adult literacy.  She knew we would enjoy the article too and thought it was an interesting that Reid currently lives Portland, Maine. That alone was an amazing connection....that someone from Portland was featured in an article written for the New York Times....that was re-published in the Denver by Liz in Denver, and sent to us in Portland.  Pretty cool...right?

But what Liz didn't know is how close the connection actually is.

Reid and his wife Patty live right down the street...OUR street. They're wonderful neighbors and Patty and I have grown a friendship as we work on Condo Association projects together,  exchange stories, and celebrate our shared love of art and our gardens.

"To be surrounded by books is to be held rapt in an enchanted circle and to experience the rapture of being transported to other worlds." Julie Lasky

When I recently visited Reid and Patty for conversation and the chance to photograph their library...the sun was shining through the skylight creating an ethereal and magical moment.  It reminded me of that similar moment the day after we set up Liz's library when the setting sun illuminated her rainbow row of books.  

Coincidence?  I think not.

And...I can't write about library connections without a glimpse of Paul's. His books are scattered all over the condo...but many of them live here.....  

....with just a touch of playfulness.

And as I write this....I'm also "rapt in an enchanted circle" of books. This is where I settle in every evening to write my post...surrounded by books....and Reid has actually coined the term "bookwrapt" to describe it.
"Books CAN make a place feel like a home."  

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