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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Morning Joy

Just when I need it.....Tracie sends me a text with a little "morning joy" as she calls it.  She always has something thoughtful to share and most of her texts include a photo of whatever art she's working on....or an image she knows I will love. 

This beautiful piece greeted me this morning.  Tracie has been taking a watercolor class and experimenting with different techniques. The texture in this one was created pressing wax paper onto the the wet piece and waiting for it to dry.  When she peeled it off this morning her first thought was "joy."

Tracie's text also included this timely quote....and it's been rolling around in my head all day.

"No story can contain you." 

That's right!  Our difficult stories don't have to define us. Thanks Tracie!

Tracie sent a photo of this watercolor a week or so ago which she created with salt on the wet watercolor.  When the watercolor is dry you brush the salt away leaving interesting textures. Just beautiful Tracie!

Lynne sent me photos of a couple collaboration projects she and her art buddy Anna did with water soluble fabric.  Anna created the purple flowers and Lynne framed her soluble piece using a reverse applique technique. I love when the blog plants creative seeds here and there. Thank you Lynne for sharing these with me.

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