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Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Every morning one of the first things I do is check on a new bud on my Christmas cactus....which just started fully opening today. And when I do I say a little prayer for a some very dear friends who are struggling. 

There are two more buds coming after this I'm in this for the long haul.

"You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice."  Bob Marley

My studio is drowning in torn paper flowers projects and tasks.  I have several experiments going I hope to report on soon...but here's one that's a little different.  

I made this one a few weeks ago experimenting with more of a collage background.  At the time I wasn't sure I liked it...I thought it was too I set it aside. But I just trimmed it up and stitched it into this frame card and I actually ended up liking it quite a's unusual.  

It's on its way to a friend for her birthday.


  1. Funny… twice this week I had thought to write you to ask about your Christmas cactus. Both of mine started flowering again 10 or 12 days ago. Aren’t we lucky?
    Oh, and I like that card - love those purplies with the red-orange.

  2. It's nice our blooms are in sync. I wonder who else has blooms! And yes...the card turned out better than I thought.
