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Monday, March 7, 2022

Symphony of Spring

While Paul and I were walking this morning the birds were going sounded like a symphony of spring.  The temps were in the 40's....and I only needed some of my cold weather gear.  It was fabulous!  

I took this photo a few springs ago of Patty's daffodils along her walkway...another symphony of spring. The reality of spring blooms is just a few months away....and it gives me hope.

It was Patty's birthday a few days ago...and although I was late...I made her a torn paper card honoring her daffodils.

I started with loose leaves and stems....

...then layered on the flowers.  All I needed was the suggestion of daffodils....they didn't have to look just like them.

The title of the post came from the line of writing along the right edge: "Beginning of the symphony." Once it was trimmed off...I added to the inside of the card.

Beginning of the symphony....of spring!

Finally I added a few skinny leaves in the foreground to give it some depth, a few accent dots, trimmed it up, and stitched it onto my card.  

I'm trying to get back into my groove on with these torn paper garden collages as I get ready to teach my class in April.  

I've been painting more papers for collage...and I'm trying out adding my own metallic marks with a fineline applicator. They may look a little messy....but you only tear off a tiny the "messiness" goes away.

Once they were dry I tore them up into little swatches for the class.  

I love where the gold accent lines landed on this little daffodil on the right....the curves actually created the line of the flower for me.  Completely I guess it was actually a serendipitous symphony of spring. 


  1. Absolutely love this!

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! You could do it too if you want to!
