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Sunday, April 24, 2022


I turned 63's been a wonderful day.

I can't remember if I've ever shared here about the fact that I was born at home on the farm.  I was the 7th of 9 children so my mom had some experience with childbirth and knew I was coming quickly.  It wasn't planned to have a home birth....there just wasn't time get to the hospital.  It was all a bit traumatic at first because I struggled to breath....but it all worked out OK. 

Our son Sam was able to join us for breakfast....any day is a good day when it includes people you love. 

Paul and I took a drive around Portland this afternoon....and the Japanese cherry trees on the West End were spectacular!

This patch of scilla made me stop in my tracks! Such a gift.

I couldn't ask for a better life partner than this guy....he helped make my day very special.
And how lucky was I when a salad bouquet showed up at my door.  It's going to be the gift that just keeps on giving!  Thanks Janice!  And thanks for all the well wishes and cards from friends and family.  It feels good to be 63.


  1. Happy birthday! So glad to see your day was filled with color, sunshine, and family.

  2. Back to this post. :-) What a great idea - the salad bouquet. Is it a a local company to you, or can it be ordered and shipped? I am thinking that this would make a great get well gift for a salad loving aunt, rather than flowers.

    1. Janice got it from a local greenhouse....but I've seen them several times at the farmers market. I bet your local greenhouse has them. Sounds like the perfect gift for you aunt!
