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Sunday, April 10, 2022

I Can Do This

A few days ago I experimented with a few flower motifs that were a little more collage-like...and painterly.  

The best thing about the torn paper technique is that the possibilities are endless...and it was exciting to watch 4 creative women find their own voice.

My first class at Handiwork....was just a delight....and I'm grateful to this first group who gave me a shot and have given me permission to share their work.

I can do this!

This was the set-up for the class....4 clean spaces around the table ready to go.  I love the potential of a clean table.....but prefer a messy one.

It didn't take long for the table to be full of color and creativity....just the way I like it. 

There was a good vibe in the room the whole time....light conversation and comfort in the silence. It was fun seeing what everyone else was doing....and we all came home with ideas. That's the nice thing about working in groups.

This colorful garden Jess made is going to be awesome all trimmed up.....
but it needed a little more drying time. 

I absolutely loved where Jess was going with this one....her finished card was stunning.  I'm so disappointed I forgot to take a photo. 

She did some cutting and tearing of her petals and I love her high contrast layered look.  I may borrow the idea! 

Jess...if you're reading this I would love it if you would send me a photo of your finished card using the contact option on the blog.  

I wish I would have gotten everyone's email.  So if you're reading this, feel free to contact me.

Nancy's leaves were playful....almost like they were dancing.

Nancy finished up with a landscape.....I love it!

Ida's used a limited but beautiful palette....a favorite of mine. 

Her finished flowers have a "poppy" feel....creative and fun.

Susan went for a full spectrum garden.

The time flew by.....but everyone had time to finish at least one card and start a second project. Students went home with one of my tags, a packet of papers with a direction booklet and had the opportunity to shop from my stash. 

There was interest in a follow-up class...especially on creating the painted papers and I'm already dreaming it up.  

I can do this!


  1. Oh, I love seeing all these photos. And that landscape! I can just see some machine stitching on it too! So cool! Well done, to all!

    1. Thanks Elle....I love that landscape too. Yes...adding machine stitching would be awesome.

  2. Such a great outcome for all. Your work payed off in spades, MA! So happy to see it all come together.
