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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Quietly Practicing

I am not a confident sketcher or painter....and the only way to become more confident is to practice. So that's what I've been doing over the last couple of weeks....quietly practicing my sketching and painting.

I've been working my way through an online class with Jane LaFazio called Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style.....a class for beginners. That would be me. My little circle painting from yesterday's post was one of my exercises to see how many greens I could make. 

This week we've been working on continuous line drawings....and I did this little sketch of my vessels with my left hand without picking up my pen.

I actually kind of like the wonkiness.

Then I did a continuous line drawing with my right hand....and added watercolor. I'm still working on my greens and trying to leave white space where it matters. That's hard for me. I tried to be pretty accurate.....but I think I'd actually like it a little looser/wonkier.

This was today's continuous line sketch and watercolor project.  This jar of marbles is from my sister's a treasure!
Here's my first painted sketch.  Jane has us using a waterbrush....and luckily I had one. I think it was a gift (Becky?) and I hadn't used it much....but now I'm a huge fan.  The barrel of the brush has a water reservoir and you just squeeze to activate. 

Practicing my greens on some peppers.

More early sketches on copy paper...some with my left hand. I know it's a little hard to tell the I'll quietly keep practicing.  There is something meditative about sketching things around the house.


  1. I love the drawings with or without paint! Definitely an amateur here, but I feel that "looser" helps me let go of the "perfectionism" gene. Yours are beautiful. I will have to look into the continuous line drawing process. Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! I actually like the marble jar better with just the marbles painted and not the jar. More sketching in my future...and the continuous line is a good thing.

  2. These are beautifully done, MaryAnn. The orange vases are my faves.
