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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Show Up

Good things happen when you just show up every day no matter what.  (That's what Paul just told me.)

It was a beautiful morning for a walk.....and today was the day this one lone daffodil showed up at the pond.  I didn't even notice it coming....but there it was greeting us with all its trumpet glory.  Just one.

Someone very dear to me is in a 12 step recovery program....and she calls her "making amends" step "living amends." Her mantra is to "show up" for people she might have hurt....and anyone who might needs her skills...her energy...or support.  It's inspiring....and it's working.

I have some tough stuff going on....and had a somewhat difficult day yesterday. But I showed up last night here on the blog and wrote a little something anyway.  It's good for me and keeps me grounded in a place of gratitude and joy.  I was so touched with a couple of comments from readers who actually needed to hear the simple words and appreciated the quote about hope.  It inspired Rosy to reply with a poem....and I'm guessing she wrote it.

Hope lives here.
She sits,
in a perfectly soft chair.
Breathing in
Breathing out
Inside this open heart,
She lives.  

Showing up matters....even if you don't say anything at all.

I had my second torn paper collage class today at Handiwork.  Although three people signed up, one had an unexpected conflict and unfortunately couldn't make it. I had the most delightful time with Linda and Sally.  We found shared connections and overlaps in our stories, had interesting conversation, and we all had fun painting with paper.  Both, are interested in more collage work.  Thanks for showing up to play with me!

Ha ha...I was curious and looked back....exactly one year ago today I wrote this post called "One":

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