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Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Paul and I were Married 41 years today! It's been a good run....and there's many more marvelous miles to go.

Even after all these years....he still surprises did the monkey socks on our wedding day.

I thought I'd post our family photos from that day. 
This is Paul's family....

....and this is mine.

Speaking of surprises.....I was going through some piles getting things into the recycling today when some fun things fell out of a catalog.  I love it when I forget about something and it becomes a nice little surprise on down the road.  

These are actually some of the frilly little lettuce leaves from the never-ending salad bowl that Janice gave me.  They pressed and dried beautifully.

And don't they look pretty on this page in the catalog.

I don't remember what this is....but dried and pressed beautifully.  I love a little surprise once in a while.....I wonder what Paul will surprise me with tomorrow.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  2. Happy anniversary! Cherish these moments- as you always do.

    1. Thank you Kathy! Yes....we are good at celebrating special....and even simple moments.
