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Friday, May 27, 2022

Pure Magic!

Someday I'll post about something other than buds and blooms.....but for now that's what's most joyful for me.  That....and the fact that we spent another evening with friends...this time Janice and Jay.  Great food, a good round of cards...and lots of laughter.

Thank goodness I put the rest of this post together this's way to late for me to be thinking.

I made a quick stop at a local garden shop and was just smitten with these spent daisy blooms.  I love them more than than the ones in their prime.  Each one had a little personality....and they just made me smile because they reminded me of a little suns.  

This was my favorite....look at the little curls!!!

I happened to catch a little light beam or bubble on this you see it?  Look at the bottom left corner.  Pure Magic!

This was the only actual bloom that was visible...look at that cool center. I'm assuming it's some sort of a daisy and I'm grateful it gave me such a show today.

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