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Sunday, June 19, 2022

No Place Like Home

There is really no place like home.

I had just enough time this morning to walk the yard....unpack a bit and start to get my bearings before Paul and I headed to Lexington for celebratory event at Hancock Church.  Because of Covid, we were not able to meet in person with the congregation when Paul it was good to see faces....even with masks.  And...the time in the car gave us focused time to catch up and share our stories.

I was greeted this morning with a little arrangement of Paul's found objects.  Although I do love the dinosaur, I'm especially fond of the balls and the tiny little bead.  He's a loyal finder!

My sweet yellow daylilies were standing tall...and still in their prime with a few more buds still to come.  It's like little shouts of "welcome home" were coming through the little trumpet blooms.....and that made me happy.

The Bowman's root was still blooming too and my new little corner garden around it has filled in nicely and ....what a difference 10 days makes.

I think Angie's Praying Hands hosta tripled in size while I was gone...we talked about Angie several times during this trip.  She was missed.

The baptisia on the other side of the fence is blooming....and I found just enough sprigs of wispy stems around the yard for a little bouquet.  There's no place like home....and there's no blooms like your own blooms.

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