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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Obsess....A Little

Janice sent me this photo this afternoon....and it made me smile.

She and Jay trimmed some pine branches that were hanging over their driveway....and these were some of leftovers.  It looks like an intentional piece of art.  

Thanks for noticing Janice....and sharing it with me!

I don't know about any of you....but when I have something big coming up I have a hard time focusing on anything else. Whether it's a party, a big meeting, or an important decision....I do tend to obsess a little. I don't think that's a bad's just the way I roll.

I'm going to spend 10 days in Wisconsin starting VERY early Wednesday. The last time I was there I was helping while my sister Angie was in Hospice care so didn't have any time for friends and no time for fun family outings.  This is the trip I'm going to try and pack it all in. I'm going to see as many friends as I can, and gather with my three sisters for a long weekend.  I'm very excited.  

There were a couple of creative things that started in June that I wanted to participate in....the ICAD (index card a day) challenge and a "paint every day in June" challenge by another artists I admire.  But I just can' all can wait. For now I have to focus on what's right in front of me.  I've been getting the gardens ready to leave behind, making lists for Paul, tending to and watering all the indoor plants, and trying to figure out what to pack. Their weather has been as crazy as yes....I'm obsessing just a little.  

So these next few weeks will be whatever they need to be here on the blog. I'm certain there will be plenty of joy...and I'll be looking for interesting nuggets that might spark a little joy for you too. Thanks for hanging in there with me....or take a little break yourself if you want to.  It's all good.

I went on my usual after dinner walk and wouldn't have noticed this pine branch with the baby cones had Janice not sent me her photo. Isn't it beautiful!  Thanks Janice!  

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