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Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Peonies Gonna Peony"

I have known for years that Paul is not fond of peonies. They just don't make sense to him.....they have almost no ability to hold themselves up. He laughs every time he sees them laying on the ground and says "peonies gonna peony."

He sent me this photo today while on his bike ride...of course with the caption "peonies gonna peony."

I actually think he's having fun with it....and it makes me chuckle every time so it's all good.

And he was a good sport carrying home a large found object this morning.  I have an experiment I want to try with this table....and because it was free by the side of the road....I've got nothing to lose.  Stay tuned. 

Aren't the dogwood trees beautiful!

And here are a couple more found objects.....S is for Shupe....and 3 is my favorite number.  Win win win!

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