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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Fields and Vistas

It was a bit of a lazy Sunday for me......and it was fabulous.  So I thought I would share some shots from yesterday's wedding which was located at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm in Wells, Maine. It's 2, 250 acres of field, forest, salt marsh and beach... and what we saw of it was absolutely beautiful.

The mission of Wells Reserve is "To understand, protect, and restore coastal ecosystems of the Gulf of Maine through integrated research, stewardship, environmental learning, and community partnerships."

We got there early enough to walk the property a bit....the fields and vistas were spectacular with the backdrop of that spectacular sky.  The shore was just a little too far given our time constraints but would be worth exploring someday.

The weather was just perfect....and western sky was spectacular as the sun was starting to set.

Me and my guy....and two dear friends I've known for 35 years.  

Jane, in the middle, of was the mother of the bride...with Patsy on the her other side.  We've spent a lot of years standing by each other's sides. 

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