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Friday, July 1, 2022

Joy In The Waiting

Today is the perfect day to catch you up on my puzzle you know they are a big source of joy for me.  There's a lot to's been puzzle mania around here recently!

I have been working on this funky bird puzzle from my sister LaVonn for quite a while....and finally finished yesterday.  I'm a year round puzzle person....but it does slow down a bit in the summer. I love that there's always one on the table...whenever I need or want it.  

This one was fun!

This little hand carved "joy" heart....has a "home for now" spot on my puzzle table....and I move it around wherever I'm working.

I've mentioned before that I belong to Philippa's puzzle club....and will be getting 6 puzzles in 2022.  For various reasons including her moving to a new city....shipment on a few was a little delayed. But I just received TWO puzzles plus several bonus treats!  How fun is this pile....a coaster....some beautiful greeting cards....and a special little something in the tiny package.  More on that another time.  

 I couldn't love these puzzles more.  They both are so up my alley and I can't wait to get work on them.  There is joy in the waiting.

And if that wasn't enough puzzle news....Melodee and David, some friends from Hancock Church were in Maine and stopped by to drop off five 500 piece puzzles for Margie (and me).  I told you it was puzzle mania!  

The top one is all telephones and phone booths....such fun! Paul will deliver this one to Margie tomorrow.

One might think that I would start on one from Philippa...but I'm going to wait.  I'm just selfish enough that I want to do them both all by myself.  Like I said...there's joy in the waiting.

Paul's sister Liz comes on the 13th....and she loves puzzles too.  So I'm going to start one that she can help me with.....this fabulous quilt one that Margie recently put together.  

This was the last one Margie finished....we share all our puzzles!

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