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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Possibilities and Grace

Roseanne closed out an email with the fact that she is "working on being open to possibilities and grace"....and it's been rolling around in my head all day.  It's a mantra that would be helpful for me to repeat every single day.  

"Possibilities" is the easy one.  Every day holds an infinite number of choices and opportunities.....and I know that is a privilege.  Not everyone  has as many possibilities as I do.....and I try and honor that privilege by making choices that put a little positive energy...and joy into the world.  

Grace is a little tougher to wrap my head around.  Grace is unconditional love, total acceptance, and wholehearted forgiveness....despite the circumstances. Paul helped me understand that grace has to be a gift...given and received without condition or expectation. It cannot be earned...and it cannot be asked for.  

I know I don't always create the space.....or frame of mind where true grace is possible. I sometimes have conditions....or expectations that get in the way. I will work on that. 

This is one of Patty's hydrangea
blooms emerging.....what a gift!

So I'm going to leave it here....being open to possibilities and grace. 

Today....tomorrow...and the day after that.

Janice sent me an updated photo of her rain lilies with more 
blooms than I shared heart is full.


  1. Your blog brings me joy everyday!

    1. Thank you so much Lily! That is music to my ears! Thank you for following along.
