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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Just Start

I haven't done much sewing in a long time....I feel a little rusty. My creative mojo has been in hiding this summer....but I jumped in with both feet and started a fabric fusing project. 

When Paul's sisters moved into their new places I knew I wanted to make something for them.  But art is I needed both of them help me out with what I could do for them. 

I've already worked with Alyson on a couple of projects including mounting this special piece of "found fabric"....

you can read about them here:

And when Liz was here....we came up with a plan for her project. 

She picked a beautiful piece of hand dyed fabric that would go with her new bedroom. It goes from pretty purples and blues to teal and it came from Colorways, by Vicki Welsh.  

It would become the background for a fused fabric piece featuring trees.....the rest was up to me.  

My goal was to have it finished by the 10th so Paul could hand carry it when he goes to Colorado for his annual mountain trip with his buddies. That's just a few days away!

Liz left 2 1/2 weeks ago...and it was time to just start!  I did some preliminary planning yesterday...and spent most of the day on it far so good.  I think I'll get it done.

I'm not going to reveal too much today....Liz sometimes reads the blog....and I want it mostly to be a surprise.  There's lot of top stitching....because you know my motto...stitching changes everything!

I'm using three different black and white graphic prints for the trees.  The funny thing is that one of them has actual words on it...and I cut the tree out so the words are upside down.  Initially I was thought I needed to redo it....but I'm embracing it. The world seems a little upside down right now anyway.

I can show my mess...and a hint of a purple batik I'm using in an unusual way.  See the sliver of soap? It's the perfect marking tool for just fades away when you iron. I'll share the final product in a few days.

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