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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Playing With Blues

I saw this colorful scene on my walk this morning.....I loved everything about it! 

I couldn't decide which view I liked I'm including both.

Have I mentioned that I've been on my own for walks....Paul has a broken toe.  

I was compelled to try another small Kawandi machine quilt with raw edges and random shapes.  This time I used just blues.

I don't think I was very successful with the transitions in the middle....the lines are too harsh. Maybe I could soften them with some little tikelis.  

It was marginally successful.  If I do it again I'll use all the COLORS!

Like all Kawandi quilts....I worked from the outside in using darker scraps around the outside and overlapped, tucked and sewed as I went around.  

I transition to lighter fabrics as I went in....and like I said....I could have done better with the transitions. Always learning.

I trimmed it up and did a satin stitch around the edge using a variegated blue thread.

Oops....I forgot to add a backing the back is just the interfacing. 
Maybe I'll stitch it onto a card. 

I made a second blue one just like the orange and purple nothing really new to add.  That on its way to Elaine!

I would like to try another one by hand.  

And a little follow-up on the Devil's Bit....I'm loving this little flower.  Such a nice late summer treat!


  1. Okay…. So now I think I’M compelled to make a Kawandi quilt. I love those beautiful blues!

    1. Oh....I hope you do. Thanks for getting me on board!
