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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

School Supplies

A new school year is in the air.....I can feel it.

I was either a teacher or a student for 35 years....and I still get a little twinge this time of year. I loved love buying school supplies. There is something about a new box of crayons...fancy notebooks and colorful folders that give me a sense of excitement and anticipation.  All things are possible with new school supplies.

I've been picking away at my latest puzzle called "Old School" since the beginning of August...and here on the last day of the month....I finally finished.  Have you noticed that I  haven't even mentioned it? 

I was practicing restraint....and saved it all for this post.

I had every intention of working top down on this one....but I found searching for all the variety of pencils to be tedious. So I used my tried and true method of making little piles of color...and doing the pieces and parts that were easy first.  It worked well on this one.

In the end I was left with JUST the pencils....
and they went together in a flash.

I noticed on the box that this particular company has a "lifetime free missing piece replacement" policy. How cool is that! I needed that on the last one!

I'm excited about the next one.....another one from Philippa's puzzle club.

And here's a beautiful quilt from Elaine....who recently received my little kawandi quilt.  She loves purple and orange....and that's evident in this beautiful quilt.  But what makes this one especially how it came to be.

Elaine belongs to a quilting group and they took a round robin approach to the individual quilts they were working on...taking turns deciding what quilt technique to add for each round.  Elaine started with suggesting  the feathered star for the middle.  

Then another member chose what pattern the next round would be....and so on.  Pretty fun way to approach it! And...I'll have to say that I'm quite humbled because it's clear that Elaine is an excellent quilter.  I'm almost embarrassed by my little practice piece I sent her.  Well done Elaine!  Thanks for sharing!


  1. Elaine's quilt is very beautiful! I have a soft place in my heart for orange, although it is not my fave color. LOL I love it in a quilt! In this quilt!

    1. I've grown to love orange over the years....and I especially love it with this combo! And especially this time of year.
