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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Right Moment

Some days the little things seem like really big things.  And sometimes....those little big things appear at just the right moment.

Paul and I were at a meeting today and I pulled this little pad out of my purse so I could take notes. 

I could stop right here....because isn't this notepad awesome!  It's part of my obsession with IOTA products....and if you want a window into that obsession you can find it here:

But the best part of the story is that tucked inside were 3 little leaves.  Who knows how long they've been waiting for the right moment to be found.  What a nice little surprise today.

Some of you may have chuckled when I recently shared my love of a good box story.  Some laughed because they related all too well....and others might have laughed because they silly girl saving all those useless boxes!

I've really tried not to accumulate too many boxes.  But the problem is....when I need one...I want the right one to be in my stash.  

Well....I found the perfect box to secure Liz's piece for the plane.....waiting for the perfect moment to be needed.

And the thing I love most about that when my sister Angie helped us move from move from Madison to Lexington in 2009 she packed and labeled a lot of boxes....including this one.  This is Angie's handwriting....and Liz will appreciate that. 

Oh how I miss Angie!  She loved a good box too.  

I had to post this again!

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