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Friday, September 30, 2022

More Pops of Orange

It seems like just a few weeks ago I was saying "where has August gone?"  Now I'm wondering the same thing about September. I can't believe it's the last day of the month.  And pops of orange seems to be a theme this time of that's what I'm going with again today.  There's still a lot of green....but I just adore the occasional pop of orange.  

I love everything about this time of year, actually. The winding down of one season ....and the glimpses into the next.

A few pops of orange in the gardens on our walks.

Here's the postcard I'm keeping from my mastersheet.  After cutting the postcards....I added a few more details and finishing touches on each one including a pop of orange. 

And speaking of a pop of orange....this is the latest finished puzzle on Margie's board....a gift from Roseanne. It was a challenge...but Margie stuck with it.
Isn't it gorgeous!  I'm struggling getting into the groove with my newest one.


  1. Orange, I just love it. Fall is my favorite time of the year and being from NE Pa. I am so enjoying your fall pictures. Here in Texas we go from green to yellow to brown and then to the ground and the yellow is not a pretty yellow. One might even think we skip the yellow stage. I really like your postcard and the pop of orange you added to it. Also I love the puzzle. When I visit my mom in Pa, we do a lot of puzzles. I guess you could say I am in love with all of this Orange. :)

    1. This must be you Elaine....? I can't imagine a world without's my favorite. I'm glad you're enjoying the photos.....and the orange! Thanks for reaching out!

  2. Yes, it is me. I tried to add my name in a second note but the system wouldn't let me and alas a new day is here.
