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Thursday, September 15, 2022


It was one of those days when it was summer in the sun and fall in the shade. I wore gloves on our walk....and shoes and socks felt good on this breezy and crisp mid September day. I loved it.

I've said it before....and I'll say it's all about the stem!

I buy all my pumpkins and gourds based on the personality of the stem.  A short stubby stem just won't do!

Today's finds came from my favorite farm stand....
The Flower Shop at Winslow Farm.

This particular stem was amazing....but it didn't come home with me. But the rest in this post did. 

This stem wasn't curly....but it was standing straight and tall and captured my heart.  And notice my white rain just keeps on blooming.....there are multiple buds coming.  And a few pink ones too!  And I wanted to mention how thrilled I was to hear from Judy, from New Zealand, who bought a rain lily after seeing them on the blog! How cool is that!  

I'm making good progress on the puzzle. I'm working on the browns...and they're not as bad as I thought.....especially now that I have a little pumpkin with some personality nearby.

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