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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Puzzle Pieces

I love when the pieces for my next puzzle are sorted into my album boxes and the edge pieces are separated and ready to go. This is another one from Philippa's puzzle club....and it's going to be a colorful journey.

And speaking of puzzle pieces....remember the second round of the shared art pieces from Tracie, Becky and Brenda I shared a few weeks ago?  

This was my little mandala piece that I kept and worked on. For this round I did a little painting...collage...hand stitching and paint pen doodles on everyone's pieces.


If you're unfamiliar with our shared art puzzle's the first round we did back in July:

These are the "before" pieces from Tracie, Becky, and Brenda I've been quietly working on for round two.

I'm pretty sure all the pieces are back to the owners but some may still be working on their own pieces. I'm just going to share the pieces I worked in in this post....and I'll share my finished mandala puzzle tomorrow once I secure it all together.  

This is Tracie's piece....I had a lot of fun with it.  Most of the background is watercolor...then I collaged, doodled, and did a bit of stitching with black thread.  I was pretty happy with it....thought it had some whimsy.
I was probably most challenged by Brenda's...but in the end it was one of my favorites. Once I started collaging in some painted paper shapes....the big white spaces became manageable.  

Becky's had the most stitching.

Since we all used watercolor was a little thick and heavy.  So I used a t-pin to poke all the holes making the stitching easier.

This is what the back looked like in progress.

And I love the effect of all the holes when you hold it in the light.

For all the collage pieces and parts I used tracing paper to draw little patterns....
then placed the pattern piece over the gelli prints and cut them out.

I glued the pieces down with a glue stick and filled in some of the gaps with watercolor or black pen.

Stay tuned for all four of our finished shared art puzzles as I get photos from the others. I'll share my finished mandal tomorrow.  

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