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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Solid Path

I spent some of day going through boxes and piles in my studio...trying to sort and organize.  I've not fully figured things out up there since we moved in full time...I just keep working around the mess...and have learned to mostly ignore it.  

But I gave it some time today and because I'm easily distracted by all my cool stuff....I have to force myself to stay focused.  

"Refuel and slowly go back to the beginning"....was what the Conscious Creativity Card said today.

So I went for a walk and a swim....had a good visit with some neighbors...and put in a few puzzle pieces here and there. 

I've been working on the treasures in the printers drawer...

.....and I finally connected a solid path from the left border to the right. Can you see my purple path in the photo?  Yes...this little photo embellishment was just another distraction....but I have to celebrate the small stuff!

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