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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sucker For Color!

I spent most of the morning working on the next art exchange with Becky, Tracie and Brenda. But I can't share it it's a good day report in on the latest pop of color on my puzzle table.

I absolutely fell in love with the colors and design of this puzzle....and I couldn't resist buying it. I'm a sucker for color....and these colors are the perfect segue from summer to fall.

But now that I've started....I'm having a little bit of a what was I thinking moment."  It's going to be a challenge!

The last time this happened to me....I almost abandoned the puzzle. But the beautiful colors of the iris kept me going...and I got it done....and you can see it here:

I'm starting with the dots in the middle of the larger flowers....and will move out from there.  I think my strategies will have to evolve on this one.  And...I just set out my little Halloween trick or treaters....and they're cheering me on. 

I absolutely love these little guys!

How could I resist these colors?  Could you?

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