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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Circle of Joy

This is the first morning that Paul and I noticed a little frost.  We didn't have a hard freeze....and it wasn't widespread....but the white frosty edges on some of the the leaves and grasses were a delight.  I spent some time looking closely.....I have a patient and understanding walking partner.

I love the ebb and flow of the seasons....the growing and thriving.....and shriveling and dying. And I even love the rest nature takes during the dormant winter. 

 It's that wabi-sabi circle of life thing...and this time of year it's so clear.  I'm thinking of it today as a circle of joy. 

I had my own little circle of joy this morning as I made the rounds here and there.  It started with a delightful walk this morning with Paul.  Then I dropped off a couple big bags of clothes at Patsy's. She had invited her friends to donate clothes we no longer needed to take to her daughter Alex, who lives in northern Maine.  Alex is going to have a party and invite all her friends and neighbors over to shop the new used clothes. All the extras will go to the local Thrift store to beef up their inventory. I took advantage of the opportunity to weed out things I still loved....but just don't wear anymore....and it felt good.  And I love Alex's party idea. 

Then I made my way to Margie's for a visit.....that's always a good thing. And of course there was a finished puzzle on her table which will circle back to my table someday....then on to someone else.  I love loaning puzzles....and am starting to give them away too. I think I"m going to start writing my first name and city inside the front cover....and maybe as they are passed along others will do the same.

Next I took a little treat to Janice....who just needs a little love these days. And finally ended up right back where I started. I always love ending up at home.

It was a full circle of joy kind of day....and it was delightful.

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