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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Comfort Zones

"They snickered at her life full of many patterns, but she smiled knowing that she was only being her true self!"  Alisson Burda

Interesting and funky things can happen outside of comfort zones.

I really can't draw very why not take a drawing class where it doesn't matter.  I'm about a week into a class called "Funky Faces" by Gina Ferrari.  We've started by doing self portraits....WITHOUT looking at the paper.....and now we're adding color and pattern.  Eventually we will be doing them in fabric and stitch.

 Looking at this photograph....I only glanced a few times at the paper to get my bearings while I sketched. This is one of a dozen or so drawings I've done so's kind of addictive actually.  Most of them are amusingly awful!

This is another one I might play with....remember...I did this without looking at the paper.  I was a little a lot off on the right side with my hairline.  I did add the extra lines around the glasses in afterward and may try to take out some of those extraneous lines on the right before I color it.

I will admit....there is joy outside of my comfort zone.


  1. The way you achieved the contour of your face is amazing - and without looking?!. (I shudder to think what mine might look like.) What an interesting exercise.

    1. Thanks Roseanne....but ONLY the initial drawing was done blind. For all the embellishments and coloring in...I was looking at the paper. So it's not as impressive as you think! ha ha....

  2. These look like fun! Keep playing.
